Stewed Apples for Gut Health


If you are on a gut healing journey or are wanting to support your gut health, stewed apples are amazing to add into your diet.

When apples are cooked, they release extra pectin. Pectin is a fibre that feeds important strains of beneficial bacteria, reduces leaky gut, inhibits the growth of bad bacteria, increases absorption of certain nutrients, helps control appetite, and helps balance blood sugar and cholesterol.


6 Apples (preferably organic)

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1/4 cup water

4 dates (optimal)

1/2 tsp nutmeg (optional)

8-10 Almonds (optional)

1 knob of butter or coconut oil if dairy free (optional)


  • Peel apples if desired. The peels contain fiber minerals and nutrients so great to keep on however if your apples are not organic it is good to peel them to reduce pesticide exposure.

  • Core the apples and chop into small cubes.

  • Add the water and butter (if using) to a saucepan and heat until butter is melted

  • Add remaining ingredients to the saucepan, cover and cook for about 20 minutes, stirring regularly.

  • Add more water if the pan becomes dry. Cook until apples are soft

  • Remove from heat and enjoy! These can be eaten warm or cold. They go great with yoghurt or on top of porridge.


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